The Mental Side of Contact Sports: Training the Mind as Well as the Body

Athletes and casual practitioners of martial arts spend hours every week perfecting their bodies, honing their skills, strength training, and sparring. However, many martial artists tend to neglect their mental training, focusing solely on the physical aspects of the sport. In this article, we will discuss how cultivating the right mentality can bridge the gap between technique and performance. We will also explore how mental training can help you overcome setbacks and perform to the best of your ability.

The Importance of Mental Training in Martial Arts

Every time you hit a pad, throw someone on the mat, or wrestle them into submission, you should be training your mentality. The mindset you bring to your training depends on your goals and what you're preparing for.

Training with a Playful Attitude

If you're a casual martial artist or a serious competitor not in preparation for a fight, you should train with a playful attitude. This doesn't mean you can’t take your training seriously, but it does emphasize mentality over intensity. Martial arts are skill-based practices, and the more time you spend drilling techniques, the better you’ll become.

To illustrate this, imagine two martial artists. One trains three times a week at maximum intensity, pushing themselves to the limit, but requires a couple of days to recover between sessions. Meanwhile, the other martial artist trains nine times a week at moderate intensity, allowing for adequate recovery between sessions. With three times the amount of training, who will be the more technically proficient fighter when the bell rings?

Getting into Fight Mode

That said, there are times when we all need to enter "fight mode," whether it’s in preparation for a fight or simply for the thrill of a high-intensity training session. During this phase, training volume gradually decreases while intensity increases to mimic the demands of a real fight. This is when the mindset shifts from that of a practicing martial artist to a fighter preparing for battle. Combined with the hundreds or even thousands of hours of technical training outside of fight prep, this mindset produces a technically proficient and fiercely competitive fighter.

Tips and Tricks to Boost Your Mental Game

Hopefully, by this point, you understand the importance of your mentality and how it can elevate you from being just an average martial artist to a technical fighter ready to dominate the ring. Here are some additional ways to develop your mental game:

  1. Visualization and Mental Imagery
    Visualizing specific scenarios in a fight, such as how you will set up your low leg kicks or how you will use your boxing to shoot in for a double leg. This mental rehearsal prepares you for real situations by creating a sense of familiarity and confidence.

  2. Mindfulness and Meditation
    Using mindfulness techniques and meditation can help to improve focus, reduce anxiety, and stay present during competition. These practices help manage distractions, control emotions, and maintain composure under pressure.

  3. Goal Setting
    Setting clear, measurable, and realistic goals is essential. Breaking down larger objectives into smaller, achievable steps, keeping themselves motivated. Achieving these milestones boosts confidence and tracks progress.

  4. Mental Toughness and Resilience Training
    Building resilience allows you to bounce back from setbacks, such as injuries or losses. Viewing challenges as opportunities for growth, you train yourself to handle discomfort and stress, staying mentally strong in the face of adversity.

  5. Working with Sports Psychologists
    Working with a sports psychologists can help improve mental strategies, including stress management, focus, confidence, and emotional regulation. These professionals help develop personalized mental routines that enhance performance and overall mental well-being.

I hope this article has helped you recognize the importance of training your mind in tandem with your body. Mental preparation can significantly impact your performance and technical ability. We look forward to seeing you in class, where we can help you build these skills. Book your free trial with Sanda Kickboxing Academy and start your journey today!



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