Children’s Classes

Kung Fu, also known as Chinese martial arts, is a traditional discipline that encompasses a wide range of fighting styles and techniques. It emphasizes self-defense, physical conditioning, and personal development. However, our approach to Kung Fu sets us apart from other schools by placing a particular emphasis on the practical applications of movements rather than rigid forms and patterns. While forms and patterns are important for learning the foundational techniques and developing fluidity, we believe that true mastery lies in understanding the principles behind the movements and being able to adapt them to real-life situations. Our training focuses on the practicality and effectiveness of each technique, incorporating realistic scenarios and sparring exercises to simulate real combat situations. This approach enables students to develop not only the physical skills necessary for self-defense but also the ability to think critically and react instinctively in dynamic environments. By emphasizing the applications of movements, we strive to produce well-rounded practitioners capable of adapting their skills to different situations and styles, ultimately enhancing their effectiveness as martial artists.

What is Kung fu?

Participating in our Kung Fu classes for children offers numerous mental and physical health benefits. In terms of physical health, Kung Fu provides a full-body workout that improves strength, flexibility, endurance, and overall fitness levels. The practice of Kung Fu also promotes better coordination, balance, and body awareness. These physical benefits contribute to a healthier lifestyle and increased confidence in one's physical abilities.

In terms of mental health, Kung Fu offers several advantages. The discipline and focus required in training help children develop mental fortitude, concentration, and resilience. Regular practice can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall mental well-being. Kung Fu training also instills a sense of self-discipline, self-control, and self-confidence, which are essential life skills that can positively impact a child's behavior and attitude both inside and outside of the training environment.

We understand that children learn differently from adults and teenagers. Therefore, our classes are designed to be fun and engaging, creating a positive and interactive learning environment. We incorporate games, challenges, and interactive activities to keep children motivated and interested in their training. By making the classes enjoyable, we enhance their learning experience and encourage them to stay committed to their practice.

Overall, our Kung Fu classes for children provide a holistic approach to health and well-being, addressing both the mental and physical aspects. It creates an environment where children can develop discipline, self-confidence, and resilience while improving their fitness levels and enjoying the journey of martial arts in a fun and supportive setting.

What are the BENEFITS of Kung Fu?

What will your children learn in class?

In our Kung Fu classes we offer a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on various aspects of martial arts training. Each session begins with a warm-up, which includes stretching exercises and cardiovascular activities to prepare the body for physical exertion. Children then learn the fundamental movements of Kung Fu, including stances, strikes, kicks, and blocks. These basic techniques serve as the building blocks for more advanced skills. As students progress, they are taught how to apply these movements in partner drills, where they learn coordination, timing, and control. Additionally, sparring sessions are incorporated to provide a practical application of their skills, enabling them to develop speed, agility, and strategy. Apart from the physical aspect, our classes foster a supportive community where children can develop discipline, respect, and self-confidence. Our experienced instructors in South East London provide a core framework of knowledge and adapt their teaching to accommodate students of all fitness levels, ensuring that each child can progress at their own pace while enjoying the benefits of physical exercise and personal growth.

Do we have a grading system?

Our Kung Fu program incorporates a transparent and inclusive grading system, consisting of five belts, to track and recognize the progress of children. Assessments for grading are conducted within the class setting, ensuring that there are no hidden costs for parents. This approach has multiple benefits for children as they actively challenge themselves to improve their skills and knowledge. We maintain a high standard for passing gradings, which encourages children to strive for excellence and provides a sense of accomplishment when they achieve their goals. However, we understand that each child develops at their own pace, and our classes are designed to cater to individual abilities and ensure that all children can enjoy the training experience. Regardless of the belt level, our focus remains on fostering a positive and supportive environment where children can learn and grow, allowing them to derive satisfaction and fulfillment from their Kung Fu journey.

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